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  • HugPack Packing
    HugPack Packing
    Thu, Sep 26
    Alpert JCC Auditorium
    Sep 26, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
    Sep 26, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Sukkah & Diapers: NCJW Together Under the Sukkah
    Sukkah & Diapers: NCJW Together Under the Sukkah
    Sun, Oct 20
    Long Beach
    Oct 20, 2024, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
    Oct 20, 2024, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
    Come have lunch, visit with old friends and make new ones, hear speakers, and enjoy a few hours together under the Sukkah and bring diapers for young and vulnerable children in our community!

Latest Local Event

We are so proud

Renee Simon is one of us,

a Life member of NCJW!!  

Renee received our Hannah G. Solomon Award in 2009 because of her many efforts on behalf of women, children, and families in Long Beach, and she has always been our expert on the pro’s and con’s of ballot measures. Our new president Lisa Raufman and the League of Women Voters’ Lisa Andria spearheaded this recent effort to honor Renee’s many achievements by raising the funds for a stunning plaque and getting the city to approve the site of the plaque at the El Dorado Public Library.


As Rich Archbold said in his recent Press-Telegram article, El Dorado Regional Park “might never have happened without the vision, determination and courage of Renee Simon, who has become a living legend in the city.”


National Council of Jewish Women - Greater Long Beach & West Orange County has a long, successful history of activism and social change based on Jewish values to repair the world (Tikkun Olam), pursue justice, and welcome the stranger. NCJW’s mission is to improve the lives of women, children, and families through advocacy, education, community service, and philanthropy on issues including reproductive health, voting rights, racial and immigrant justice, poverty and homelessness, and family-friendly and equitable workplaces. We welcome all genders and faiths!

A faith in the future.

A belief in action.

Learn More About NCJW

Greater Long Beach & West Orange County

Latest Local News

Standing with

Jewish Long Beach and National NCJW


Our NCJW section is aligned with Jewish Long Beach (JLB) regarding the local Proclamation (passed by the LB City Council on December 19) that demanded a united response.


We are also aligned with National NCJW being supportive of the need to recognize that both Israelis and Palestinians have been traumatized. We’ve also seen up close that what happens in Israel affects all Jewish people everywhere.

Read here for full story....

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