- Thu, Mar 13Alpert JCC Auditorium
- Wed, Mar 19Long Beach
- Thu, Mar 20Address will be sent after you RSVP
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We are so proud
Renee Simon is one of us,
a Life member of NCJW!!
Renee received our Hannah G. Solomon Award in 2009 because of her many efforts on behalf of women, children, and families in Long Beach, and she has always been our expert on the pro’s and con’s of ballot measures. Our new president Lisa Raufman and the League of Women Voters’ Lisa Andria spearheaded this recent effort to honor Renee’s many achievements by raising the funds for a stunning plaque and getting the city to approve the site of the plaque at the El Dorado Public Library.
As Rich Archbold said in his recent Press-Telegram article, El Dorado Regional Park “might never have happened without the vision, determination and courage of Renee Simon, who has become a living legend in the city.”
National Council of Jewish Women - Greater Long Beach & West Orange County has a long, successful history of activism and social change based on Jewish values to repair the world (Tikkun Olam), pursue justice, and welcome the stranger. NCJW’s mission is to improve the lives of women, children, and families through advocacy, education, community service, and philanthropy on issues including reproductive health, voting rights, racial and immigrant justice, poverty and homelessness, and family-friendly and equitable workplaces. We welcome all genders and faiths!
A faith in the future.
A belief in action.
Greater Long Beach & West Orange County
Latest NCJW News
NCJW National's
FY24 Impact Report
The National office of NCJW is pleased to share its FY24 Impact Report with you.
Read more here to learn about the three key milestones that can be further explored in the Impact Report, which provides a complete overview of NCJW’s FY24 accomplishments:
More than 80.5 million people were reached through NCJW’s “Hear Our Voices” special session at the United Nations on December 4, 2023, which brought attention to the use of sexual assault as a tool of war by Hamas terrorists on October 7.
NCJW mobilized 1.4 million voters through phone banks, letter-writing, and voter registration drives.
2,000 synagogues and communities and 120 co-sponsors participated in Repro Shabbat 2024.
Thank you again for your generous support, which enables National Council of Jewish Women to build a better world for women, children, and families.