Join us for our
78th Annual Charter Day Celebration!!!
Sunday, June 2, 11:00 am registration.
Bring your friends to join in this wonderful afternoon!
The Old Ranch Country Club
3901 Lampson Avenue
Seal Beach, CA

Deborah Goldfarb!
We are thrilled to honor Deborah as our Hannah G. Solomon awardee this year!
Deborah has dedicated her entire professional career to the welfare of the Jewish community over the past 32 years and now serves us all as Interim CEO of Jewish Long Beach.
As our annual fundraiser, Charter Day will feature great entertainment by the Long Beach Jazz Angels, a wonderful Country Club lunch, introduction to our new Board, and an exciting silent auction!
Tickets are $75, but please consider becoming a Special Jewel Sponsor. All Jewel Sponsorships
include a ticket and lunch, and you’ll be recognized during the Charter Day program.
You can be a
Diamond (which includes a beautiful, full-page silver-embellished tribute),
an Emerald (which includes a lovely full-page tribute),
a Sapphire, or
a Pearl!
Please RSVP below, and consider purchasing a tribute (see details below)! You may pay online or by check using your mailed invitation. If you don't have an invitation, send us your reservation and check to:
Attn: Judy Leff, Charter Day
3801 E. Willow St.
Long Beach, CA 90815
We look forward to celebrating with you!!
Whether or not you can make it to our fun day, please support our Section and your friends by purchasing a tribute in the 2024 Charter Day eTribute Book!
You may honor Deborah, the incoming or outgoing Board, the organization as a whole, a special friend you've lost this year, or all of the above, and may choose whatever size you like.